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V2Ray is a tool developed by Victoria Raymond and its community team under Project V. Project V is a collection of tools that claim to help its users build their own basic communication networks. The core tool of Project V is called V2Ray, which is mainly responsible for the implementation of network protocols and functions to communicate with other Project V. V2Ray can be run stand-alone or in conjunction with other tools to provide easy operation. In China, this tool is widely used to break through the Great Firewall (GFW) to access blocked and blocked content.

Free V2Ray VPN Server

V2RayEx - VMess & Shadowsocks Get V2RayEx - VMess & Shadowsocks on Google Play Store


Main method: use our mobile app V2RayEx - Internet Freedom VPN

V2RayEx - Internet Freedom VPN

We have developed our own application on the Android platform (published on Google Play Store ), with an intuitive interface, you will easily connect to our V2Ray servers and any other server as long as it has V2Ray/XRay support. In addition, we also develop a lot of VPN applications specific to each country, you can see the details on the main developer page on the store → CLICK TO DOWNLOAD MOBILE APP

Manual connect with custom credentials

This method will allow any V2Ray Client to connect through the credentials provided by us for free. This feature is under development and will be updated as soon as possible.