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OMGVPN Internet Advanced Speed Test

This tool helps you test your internet speed directly in your web browser with a wide variety of server locations around the world. In addition, we also aggregate a lot of addresses for testing, making it easier for you to check your internet speed, good luck and have fun with this tool.

And wait, so what's better on this speed test site compared to other sites? As you know most websites or even our site use cloud services or CDN cache to increase stability; large services such as CloudFlare, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, IBM SoftLayer Cloud, Oracle Cloud, Alibaba Cloud,... and smaller services such as Vultr, Linode, DigitalOcean, OVH, Hetzner,... Of course with daily tasks, you will always want to access these services as quickly as possible, and of course test the download speed to these addresses is the most accurate. In addition, our list of servers is optimized with a direct link, helping you quickly check all with just 1 click...

Because of CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) policy, the servers below will not be able to live speed test as usual, we have compiled a list of servers for you to check for yourself or you can download it randomly.

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